It’s been a long time since our last speedball tournament, way back in 2022 and to be honest there was a time when we didn’t there were enough players for speedball to survive in Brisbane! Thanks to a huge influx of younger players, a lot of whom are also active in the gelball competition scene, we hosted our first training session on our sup air field and had over 40 players in attendance.
The cost of living crisis has hurt almost everyone and if it comes down to choosing to pay for essentials like rent and food or playing paintball on a regular basis well then it really isn’t a choice. Covid had already seen a reduction in the Brisbane paintball player base with over a third of the teams having ceased to exist by the time the pandemic had ended.
Of maybe 1000 recreational paintball players that come through maybe 1 will convert to competition paintball. Of those the majority will play for up to 3 years before moving onto something else.
We plan on running training sessions at the end of each month and we’re working on dates to host tournaments in the coming year.